Komparasi Pulsar 220F vs Pulsar 200 NS versi Motorbeam, Jiah kesannya ngledek banget ama P 200 NS!
Langsung aja gan simak intinya biar gak panjang lebar! Tapi pesen James Bons ya sebaiknya santai aja gak usah terpropokasi sama statmen indihe ini, karena begitu menganggap P 200 NS lebih Inferior ketimbang P 220, entah dulu kuciwa gak bisa beli nih mongtor atau ya memang demikian adanya, ya monggo saja, agan-agan sekalian menilai!
“This is exactly the query which floats on the minds of some prospective 200 NS buyers. In my opinion, the Pulsar 220F DTSi is a far better bet than the 200NS due to the below mentioned reasons:-“
“Gini mas Bons, menurut Inyong P 220 lebih jos ketimbang P 200 NS, karena beberapa alasan berikut: “
• Headlights – “The projector headlight setup on the P220 is by far one of the best on an Indian bike. Agreed the 200 NS also has a good headlight setup, but night riding on highways (something that I cherish doing often) will see the P220 headlight setup light years ahead of the 200 NS.”
“Too liatin mas Bons bila malam hari liat P 220 keliatan jozz banget lampunya beda gitu ama mongtor lai, P 2oo ns mah biasa azza”
• Stability – “The Pulsar 220 DTSi is by far one of the most stable bikes in its category, even in the face of strong cross/head winds. The 200 NS as I already mentioned is definitely not as stable as the P220 on open highways. The P220 due to the addition of a bikini faring is far steadier and completely at home doing 100 km/hr plus speeds on a National Highway or an expressway.”
“Masalah kestabilan, kata inyong masih stabilan P 220 mas Bons, terutama diatas 100 kph mm si P 200 NS mah gak stabil, cebain dewek kalau gak percaya” ! 😀
• Tyres –“ The P220 is blessed with soft compound MRF Zappers which grip very well on wet roads. The 200 NS wears Eurogrip tyres which have decent grip but not at par with the soft compound Zappers.”
“Masalah ban mas Bons, iyong seneng banget si P 220 ini ngegrip banget, beda ama si P 220 yang Eropa-eropanan lah gripnya”
• Refinement/Smoothness – “The P220’s DTSi engine is a tried and tested one, it is surely a lot more refined as compared to the 200 NS, which is extremely vibey as already mentioned.”
“Untuk mesin mas Bons, yakin deh inyong pegang si P 220 karena da lama dan terbukti bandel, mau pilih P 200 NS ati-ati kan masih baru, butuh banyak analisa, misal ana suwara klothok-klothokh kan gak tahu! 😀 “
• Fuel Economy – “The P220 delivers better fuel economy as compared to the 200 NS, both in the city and on highways. The P220 even if ridden at high speeds on highways can still deliver a decent 45 km/l.”
“Untuk irit BBM inyong gak ragu ama si P 220 ini mas Bons bisa 45 kpl pakek ngebut maning!” 😀
• Comfort – “The P220 is definitely comfortable on city roads as well as highways, seat of the P220 has better foaming and is wider than the 200 NS. The bikini faring comprising of a windshield in the P220, gives the rider the added advantage of wind protection, which is not even available as an option on the P200 NS.”
“Fairing si P 220 itu mas Bons lebih jozz diajak di kota maupun di luar kota, moh bepaling dari P 220 ini.”
• Self-cancelling indicators – This is a feature which even though very useful, is absent on the 200 NS. Surprising bit is that the back-lit switches of the P220 found its way on the 200 NS but not the self-cancelling indicator feature.
“WAH ASELI JAMES BONS GAK TAHU FITUR “Self-cancelling indicators” INI!”
• Handling – The P200 NS is an excellent handling bike no doubt, the monoshock and the stiff chassis only makes the handling deal sweeter. Climbing winding ghats on the 200 NS is an absolute delight. The P220 on the other hand was never portrayed as a handling bike, its handling prowess may not be in the league of the 200 NS but, it does handle pretty well on curves as well as in ghats. The soft compound tyres on the P220 aid in the bike’s mid-corner stability and therefore, doesn’t stress or hamper the rider’s confidence when riding through curves.
“Aihihi masalah handling kyaknya P 200 NS mah, ‘an excellent handling bike no doubt’, haqqul yakin mas Bons!”
• Brakes – Braking is a department in which the 200 NS is light years ahead of the P220. The Bybre disk brake setup on the NS has tremendous bite, thereby increasing the rider’s confidence as compared to the Bybre setup on the P220 which lacks bite. The rear disc brake on the P220 is literally of no use, especially with a pillion on-board.
“Kalau urusan CIET masih bagusan P 200 NS mas Bons lebih pakem jozz”.
Nih sumbernya gan!
Read more at http://www.motorbeam.com/bikes/bajaj-pulsar-bikes/bajaj-pulsar-200-ns-ownership-problems/#7MCmWIQs2dyiImUC.99
ngeledek tenan
jah itu pendapat alay yg sakit hati gak sanggup beli motor baru hehe
jek apik motuba . . .
keep brotherhood,
Kan udah digaransi Dan diperbaiki ama Kawasaki, terutama handling k200ns indihe pasti ngiri tuh
legowo 😆
awet yamaha L2 ku lek, wis 34 tahun isih tetep ngibrit…..
tanda panahe kuwi loh kamsude opo? hahaha
Self cancelling nek rakleru kuwi artine, riting mati dewe nekwi wis bar menggok… Koyo nang mobil kuwilho.
“WAH ASELI JAMES BONS GAK TAHU FITUR “Self-cancelling indicators” INI!”
Self-cancelling indicators = lampu sign/riting yang mati sendiri setelah belok. (prinsip kerjanya mirip kaya lampu sign pada mobil)
ooo iya trims gan
klo gak salah yg punya bajaj itu pake waktu, stelah 20 detik mati sndiri.
klo d mobil itu mekanik, yang scara otomatis saklarnya akan kembali sndiri stelah belok, pas setirnya d luruskan lg. ini kyk e gak mungkin bisa d tiru d motor
self canceling di bajaj ada di segitiga bawah om.. bukan pake timer waktu, tapi pake semacam saklar yg dioperasikan oleh magnet. klo ga salah yg ada fitur ini di 180-200-220..
pilih sesuai kebutuhan lah… sering motoran jauh dan terbukti tangguh ya p220.. muter2 kota dengan tampang motor ok ya 200ns… pingin 2 2 nya ya beli 200ns dipasangi half/full fairing… 😀
Masalah tinggi ga dibahas di india yooo….
iyo gan
Ada yang panas?
ane bandingin ama lx wae lah mbah
Wakaka sdh jatuh cinta tuh sm P220
dtambahin harusnya, kok diindo gada standar tengahnya ya???
p220 ki raine rodo2 piye..ngono. Coba dadi monosok,ndase diapiki meneh…josslah…eh karo wesine nganggo campuran koyo nang indonesa ben rodho enteng sitik bobote.
p220f nya temenku buat dalam kota jogja harian masih 40 kpj..handling lumayan mantep, walau kemaren sempet susah juga karena stangnya diganti..dibawa boncengan di jalan magelang-jogja masih bisa 117 kpj boncengan dengan yang diboncengin bodi beruang..ya walau akurasi speedometer ug4 denger-denger lebih tinggi dari generasi sebelumnya..
cuma ya kalo buat belok-belok atau cornering lebih nyaman p200ns..apalagi headlampnya ikut belok..
ya ada kelebihan dan kekurangan..walau tetep lebih milih P200 yang bukan NS seperti punyae pak irawan..jogja-pacitan cuma berkurang bensin seleher tangki lebih dikit..bebek bisa kalah irit.. 😯
Weeeh ngarang ae..trjemahane sakarepe dewe’…!
(¬_¬͡͡”) Hɑ̤̈̊DEeuU̲̅h̲̅hH
xixix, jeruuuu
Sayangnya P220 masih pakai dua shock belakang.
jgn tambah dikomporin dong mas
mentang2x blom ada yg make ya 😛
ati ati enek sing ra trimo kang bons… 🙂
self canceling indicator tuuuuh nyang buat matiin sein secara otomatis kang,.,.kan bajaj pulsar gen lawas punya fitur itu,.,
Kayanya P200NS.kalo di sini di komparasi dari segi harga menarik tuh…kalo masalah sparepart KMI kan udah pengalaman tuh…
mantaf translatenya wkwk
meski galau, ane tetep puas pakai p220 😀
handlingnya memang mantap di track lurus dan stabil, tapi buat belok2 rasanya kurang lincah
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