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Ada Penampakan All New CBR 250 2015 Di Young Machine

Penampakan CBR 250 2015
Penampakan CBR 250 2015

Wah ada penampakan CBR 250 2015 gan di wallnya FB Young maschine. Nah ini kalau gak salah adalah koran yang boleh jadi bakal terbit besok, cekidot gan statmennya berikut!

“The March issue of young machine 1/24 release is tomorrow.
By 2015, latest trends this month complete guide.
of course there is a scoop. The other moped playback ‘ 80-NOW planning and let’s pick!
Drive systems tuned planning test & check the MT-07!
DVD is YZF-R25vs250 rival in the circuit and winding great validation!
In hair GP newspaper trend commentary of the motoGP machine!

And so on, more, we will send you.
In bookstores and outside shop come try for the hand. official site young machine blog

Kan disitu tertulis<“The March issue of young machine 1/24 release is tomorrow, berarti 24 januari besok noh baru terbit koran ntu. Wah, bikinpenasaran aja, kita tunggu perkembangan beritanya gan!

2 komentar pada “Ada Penampakan All New CBR 250 2015 Di Young Machine

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