Ninja H2

Ninja H2 Dibikin Dari “High Quality Materials”, BErikut Ini Videonya

Belum rampung juga kasak kusuk tentang Ninja H2, setelah beberapa waktu lalu kita disuguhu banyak hal tentang  vitur, speed, power dan model Ninja H 2, kini kita disuguhi penjelasan tentang maetrial alias bahan baku ninja H 2 yang katanya dari “High Quality Materials” CEkidot gan!


Berikut beberapa clue yang diberikan

  • The supercharger impeller is machined from billet aluminum. This is a costly process for a volume OEM.
  • Inconel exhaust valves. This is an exotic metal that can resist extreme temps better than titanium.
  • Note the aluminum airbox, rather than a nylon or plastic type seen on most production bikes. It’s able to handle the greater-than-atmospheric pressures from the supercharger.
  • Regarding the steel-trellis frame: This is the first time I’ve seen the whole thing. Looks far more robust than seen with bodywork. Intricate steel tubes used instead of aluminum beams to more easily accommodate the powerplant and its attendant plumbing.
  • Knurled section on rear wheel to prevent the tire slipping on the rim under extreme acceleration.

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