Rumor Motor Baru

Rumor Indihe: Desain Honda CX-01 Bermesin CBR 250 Itu Bukan Untuk Kleas 250 CC

Honda CX-01 yang beberapa waktu lalu dipamerkan di Indian 2014 Auto Expo, memang jozz gan, motor naked dengan desain baru dan bermesin CBR 250. Ya memang si CX-01 masihlah concept bike, yang di rancang oleh Honda’s R&D centre di Manesar, India. Penamaan CX-01 sendoro maksudnya CX adalah crossover dan 01 adalah first ever product yang dhasilkan berdasarkan rancangan mereka di Indihe.Nah awalnya banyak orang berspekulasi bahwa motor ini bakal diproduksi masal sebagainaked bike dengan mesin 250 cc yakni mesin CBR 250 namun ternyata belakangan ada rumor lain. Motor ini kabarnya untuk desain naked yang 1000 dan atau 500 cc.
Honda CX-01
Honda CX-01
CX-01 concept ini oleh kalangan india disebut, “high ground clearance and a longer suspension travel range so that the bike can tackle bad roads too”.  Hahay kalau diisi mesin 250 nampaknya terlalu kemahalan jadinya, sementara untuk diisi mesin yang 500-1000 kan gak muat. Ya itu kan masih konsep bisa saja kan baru model awal, nanti dirancang ulang untuk tipe 500-1000cc. Waa, kalau untuk 1000 cc penonton Indonesia bisa kecewa nih! Yup Wallahu a’lam.
bAt the recently concluded 2014 Auto Expo, Honda Motorcycle really managed to impress everyone by showcasing the CX-01 concept bike. The CX-01 is completely designed and developed by Honda’s R&D centre at Manesar, India. CX stands for crossover and 01 means that this is the first ever product to be designed by them. The CX-01 concept that Honda displayed had high ground clearance and a longer suspension travel range so that the bike can tackle bad roads too. Read more at

At the recently concluded 2014 Auto Expo, Honda Motorcycle really managed to impress everyone by showcasing the CX-01 concept bike. The CX-01 is completely designed and developed by Honda’s R&D centre at Manesar, India. CX stands for crossover and 01 means that this is the first ever product to be designed by them. The CX-01 concept that Honda displayed had high ground clearance and a longer suspension travel range so that the bike can tackle bad roads too. Read more at

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