
3 Keunggulan New Byson Injeksi Versi Motoringworld Dibanding Versi Lama, Bahkan Dibanding R 25 Pun Lebih Rapih!

byson injeksi joz
byson injeksi joz

Secara spek memang sudah banyak dibahas, dan termasuk James Bons sendiri juga sudah membahas secara gamblang. Nah kini belakangan web India mengulas 3 keunggulan new Byson Injeksi ini dibanding byson lama yang telah edar di India dan Indonesia, meskipun dalam catatan web ini bahwa sebenarnya New Byson Injeksi ini mengecewakan terutama karena powernya justru turun, yop brikut selngkapnya!

1. Penurunan Body 3 kg menambah lincah motor ini dan ezy to ride

Handlingnya menurut web ini mantab dan merupakan salah satu yang  terbaik di kelasnya. Berikut stamennya:

“Where the bike has really improved is in its handling – and again, that’s saying something. The FZ was always the best handler in its class, and the new one raises the bar even higher. Yamaha has revised the chassis, losing 3 kg off it in the process, and has slapped on newer and better MRF rubber onto those old wheels. The riding position is as excellent as ever, and you can now flick the FZ even harder and faster into corners than ever before. Seriously, the handling is this motorcycle’s saving grace, and makes you want to forgive its relative lack of power.

2. Lampu Depan Lebi Mantab, Speedo Digital Mudah Dibaca

Cekibrot gan:

“The headlamp is now sharper and ‘more wild’, according to Yamaha, while the body panels have been slashed and angled to make for a more rakish appearance. There’s a new LCD display which is quite nice to look at, while the exhaust is probably the best-looking one in India. However, I feel Yamaha should’ve given the new FZ new wheels, too – the alloy rims are carried over from the older model, and it certainly diminishes a bit of the novelty of this motorcycle.

Ya kalau bicara jujur, memang ini lebih rapi gan, bahkan dibanding R 25 pun lebih rapi Bys0n Injeksi Ini, lihat saja kabel gas R 25 yang kating slawer hehehe!

Lampu Belakang New Byson Injeksi
Lampu Belakang New Byson Injeksi

3. Rumornya bisa 24%lebih irit

Kabarnya sih Yamaha bisa lebih mengimprov 24 % dengan penuruna power dan cc di motor ini, ya mungkin benar lebih irit, tapi web sekelas Motoringworld harus jujr meski boleh jadi lebih irit, tapi sungguh mengecewakan, seharusnya power naik setidaknya 5 hp, ee ini malah turun 1 HP, berikut statmennya:

“I’m almost happy to report that I could find no perceptible difference in terms of power while riding it – but that’s not a good thing, either. All of us were expecting more power from this motorcycle, and we may now proceed to be utterly disappointed. Really, Yamaha, you should have given it at least 5 bhp more

Kira-kira dibawa kemari gak ya sama Yamaha Indonesia?

I’m almost happy to report that I could find no perceptible difference in terms of power while riding it – but that’s not a good thing, either. All of us were expecting more power from this motorcycle, and we may now proceed to be utterly disappointed. Really, Yamaha, you should have given it at least 5 bhp more. – See more at:
Where the bike has really improved is in its handling – and again, that’s saying something. The FZ was always the best handler in its class, and the new one raises the bar even higher. Yamaha has revised the chassis, losing 3 kg off it in the process, and has slapped on newer and better MRF rubber onto those old wheels. The riding position is as excellent as ever, and you can now flick the FZ even harder and faster into corners than ever before. Seriously, the handling is this motorcycle’s saving grace, and makes you want to forgive its relative lack of power. Well, almost. – See more at:
Where the bike has really improved is in its handling – and again, that’s saying something. The FZ was always the best handler in its class, and the new one raises the bar even higher. Yamaha has revised the chassis, losing 3 kg off it in the process, and has slapped on newer and better MRF rubber onto those old wheels. The riding position is as excellent as ever, and you can now flick the FZ even harder and faster into corners than ever before. Seriously, the handling is this motorcycle’s saving grace, and makes you want to forgive its relative lack of power. Well, almost. – See more at:

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