
Rossi Bakal Mencanangkan Target Juara GP 2015

Rossi sejauh ini di tahun 2014, jelasnya labih moncer dari tahun 2013 dengan berhasil mengoleksi 12 podiums dan 2 juara. Nah dari sini setelah melihat berbagai fakta yang lain ia nampaknya ingin membidik gelar juara tahun depan. Dan itu terlihat realistis memang ketika ternyata setelah beberapa saat konsistensi Marquez ternyata goyah juga, dan pastinya ini menumbuhkan mental Rossi untuk membidi target gelar Juara Dunia tahun depan. Ya lumayan sbagai modal pensiun!

rossi 2
rossi 2

Menurutnya ini bukan hal yang mustahil,

“I think that it is not impossible next year. This is the target and I say that because we can improve from this year to next year. Already the work for next year started, throughout all this season, in fact from the last test of last season. We have demonstrated good potential already.”

“I think I can improve next year, especially my team and especially Silvano (Galbusera – Crew Chief) with one year more of experience. He can improve because he knows MotoGP better. We can also improve the way of working between us because it has just been the first season. I know him better now and he knows me more, and the way I want the bike.”

Namun Rossi yakin perjuangannya bukanlah barang mudah, haruslah 300% bekerja keras,

“But at the same time it will be very, very hard, because firstly I expect Jorge to be very strong from the beginning. At the beginning of this year he had some problems but from Sachsening he’s been so strong at all the tracks, so he is a real contender. Then with Marc we cannot forget that he won 12 races this year. That is ten more than me and he has a lot of points advantage!”

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